Kverneland är mycket glada över att kunna presentera det nya produktsortimentet för mekanisk ogräsbekämpning inom Kverneland-koncernen.
Vid sidan av en säker livsmedelsproduktion är miljöskyddet en viktig fråga inom dagens jordbruk. Nya europeiska förordningar, regler och policyer har definierat nya standarder och minskat de typer av komponenter som är tillåtna. Därför har mekanisk ogräsbekämpning blivit ett av jordbrukarnas svar på hur de ska uppfylla dessa normer och samtidigt säkerställa en sund växttillväxt som grund för en framgångsrik avkastning.

Inter-row cultivator Onyx
The inter-row cultivator, Onyx, is the right implement to weed between the rows. In addition, by cracking the upper topsoil, the Onyx restores the water and air fluids, thus promoting the physico-chemical reactions and soil life. On the other hand, the layer created by the inter-row cultivator stops the capillarity action and water evaporation, preserving the water reserve.
The Onyx offers full flexibility. Due to the modular design, it can be adjusted to multiple crops from 12.5cm to 80cm row distance. The great choice of various options and accessories makes it extremely versatile and efficient.
The Onyx is offered in working width of 2.84 to 12.12m.
Guidance Interface Lynx
The guidance interface, Lynx, offers best manoeuvrability for absolute in-row accuracy of the inter-row cultivators especially when working on slopes. It is mounted between tractor and implement to glide along ridges. Most precise operation even in higher crops is ensured by one or two colorimetric analysis, high-resolution cameras controlled from the terminal in the tractor cab.
Two large diameter disc-wheels firmly stabilise the carriage. Lateral adjustments of up to 25cm either side for a total of 50cm are transferred on to the hoe with speedy and precise responsiveness whereas the tractor’s driving line is not affected.
Rotary Hoe Helios
One pass with the rotary hoe Helios will have various benefits for the crops and soil:
First, there is the selective mechanical weeding, efficiently carried out under any soil conditions at 6 to 15km/h with low impact on the growing crop.
Second, by cracking the upper topsoil, the harrow restores the fluids, water air vertical flow and thus stimulates physico-chemical reactions and soil life.
Third, leaving a packed layer above the seedbed, the rotary hoe Helios stops the capillary action, reducing the evaporation of water and preserving the water reserve for the crop to develop.
The Helios is available in 3m and 6m working width.